Monday, February 2, 2009

Long Distance Relationships

People shouldn't talk down on long distance relationships. Not only are long distance relationships packed with far more substance and progression than most regular relationships; but they're based on communication and compatability rather than physical attraction and longing for company. I mean at the end of the day when there's no movies left to see, malls to visit or what have you; my boyfriend and I will always have conversation to entertain us. I can name several local relationships in which the same can't be said... So, SUCK IT! Ha :)

Aaaaaaaaaanywho! January went by SO fast, didn't it? Or is it just me? Like, seriously, it feels like New Years was 2 weekends ago. But yes, January, what did I accomplish there? Let's take a look...

* Suffer an anxiety attack? Check
* Be thrown in the middle of a family fued? Check
* Lose somebody? Out of my life for good. (For various reasons) Cha-cha-CHECK!
* Completed #1, Grad Transition, but have the teacher LOSE IT & tell me, re-due it? Check
* Publically embarass myself horribly by either falling or walking in to numerous things? CHECK & check again!
* Ran out of Chocolate from Christmas time! *tear* *sniff* Check
* Went for a drive with a friend to an abandoned house, entered it, then almost got left behind in the middle of nowhere? CHECK!
* Tight-rope a nervous break-down? Double check
* Lose all sense of Sanity? Check-aroo
* Last, but not least.. Find things that were missing since August 2008? Check, check, check!

Now, I don't know about you, but that seems like a pretty fiiinnnee list to me! I gotta make those more often, lol. But anyways, I have a huge-ass headache that's REALLY killing me :( I'm off to bed.

G'night, everybody! Post tomorrow.

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