Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Damn straight. You know what bugs me? Kay, there's this guy in one of my classes & he thinks he knows EVERYTHING. And, uh, he doesn't. He's always trynna tell me what to do & how to do it. When someone asks me to do something, he'll rush to it before I get the chance. Kay.. This blogs already boring. But yeah, that shit pisses me off!

Let's talk about the party, shall we? Craigs 19th. I thought it would be one of the best parties I've ever been to... Wrong! I mean, I know my brother was going to have highlights, because he has fun no matter what - plus, the party was FOR him. But I just expected more than what I got. As usual. Hmphh.

But anyway, the party started off good. Then people started getting HAMMED. I tried having a good time & not think about the negativity, but shit happens! Everywhere I looked, there was some new shit going on. Arguing, fighting, collapsing, drugs, people getting together, barfing! Eww. But anyways, it was like I tried to enjoy myself, but I can't seem to do that unless everybodys okay. Which... FUCKS ME OVER.. Every time. I try helping or talking to people & blahhh. But people seemed to be having fun. That was a plus, of course.

I mean, over all, it was good. Everyone had fun (like I mentioned) and all in all, it was a memorable night. But I just mean, without the fighting, arguing & puking, lol, it would have been supercalifragilisticexpialadocious. Yep! I totally spelt that wrong, by the way. But I use to know how to spell it.

Screw this, hands are hurting. This blackberry seems heavy right now, even though its like 5g. Kay, now I'm not talking about anything.

Sooo yeah, check up for my next blog. Take care, douche bags. Paayce.

"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3

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