Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Boys & Girls... and Lil Wayne

Boys, boys, boys.. and girls, too.

Its come to my attention that there are many people in this world. Yep! Many boys, many girls, many men, many women.

Lil' Wayne (who I hate to admit that I love!) has this song called "Every Girl." There he is, talkin' bout how he wishes he could smash every girl in the world, which first of all, is gross. EVERY GIRL? Come on, Wayne, have some standards! But secondly, that really is how these guys think... That you can never have too many girls. Their goal in life is to get with as many as possible, no matter what. Now, boys have the advantage over us girls in the fact that they have NO emotions! They can do it to everybody they want and just keep on pushin. Suuure they may SAY they have a main chick, but blah! On a real, boys do NOT usually give a crap about all that. Now girls, on the other hand? Some have these things called "emotions" in which they feel more attracted to a particular guy over the other. With girls, its about quality rather than QUANTITY. With boys, its the opposite. Clearly.

Bullshit Rule #1: "Girls are supposed to be the ones that get attached. Guys aren't." Who made these silly rules? Which brings me to another thing...

Relationships, marriage & commitment. What's it all about? How are people supposed to pick just ONE whole person out of billions? And once we are in a relationship, we're stuck? Until someone messes up, that is... Why can't people just live life? Actually, some people do live life. Some people don't. I guess if you want to be a life liver, you have to find other life liver's and leave the conservatives alone.

Hmm, I just get frustrated from time to time by all the rules of life, the world, all these people with their judgements... I say, if it ain't harming nobody, what's the harm? EXACTLY!

So yeah, thats my advice for everyone out there - roll with your own kind. Rolling with an opposite & trying to mush your views together can be very messy and painfull. Yeah, that's some pretty good advice if i do say so myself! :) Just know what you're getting into, that's all. If you know you are a certain way, don't try to fool people into thinking you are another way. BE YOOOU! Be happy! Do what you want in life, just make sure everyone is on the same page, lol. And if they're not? Make sure you can handle it on your own. But still make sure you let others know what's happening! That's the problem with the world today... no communication!

RANDOM P.S: I LOVE how Barack Obama is still on the cover of EVERYTHING! :)

Take care, guys.


  1. Nice points you have here Jennifer! Though I am a strong believer in marriage and commitment. I believe that everyone has a soulmate, and if we're patient and open enough, we'll find them.

    It's sometimes a surprise as to who it is, too. I mean, look at my parents; 36 years apart, yet the truest example of soulmates I have ever seen. It can take some time, but eventually you will find "the one".

  2. Hey, it's so true Jennifer!
    Guys, until they reach "developmental age" are such pigs. No offense to guys who actually have developed - and not in the physical way. I've seen way too many guys like Lil Wayne's song and it's absolutely repulsive. I mean, sure there are girls out there who want a bunch of guys, but they are the little sl-huts!
