Okay, NEW YORK CITY! I can't wait to get there! Holy smokes. It's 45 days!! Actually, it might be 46, but still. I'll be in Yonkers with my Auntie & Uncle for a week, then I'm off to the Caribbeans for 3 months! After that, I'm back to New York for another month, then home. I can't wait to take off & chill for the Summer! GRADUATED & GONE. The shittiest thing is that I know I have to come back... I'm going to miss my family, no shit. But I mean, sometimes it's like, I wanna go & STAY away. But we all know (when you're from Kitamaat Village or Kitimat), you always end up back here. Always. I don't care what non a' yall say! YOU END UP COMING BACK. I don't exactly understand what for just yet, but I guess I'll figure it out when I'M back. After College & that though? I don't wanna have a job here... You kidding me? But yeah, NEW YORK! I can't wait to chill with my Auntie & Uncle, go see his work place, walk around with them & what not. Go to the City a few times, I hope? WOO! Jacked as fuck. Here are a few pics I found on GOOGLE. Hopefully the next time I post pictures from New York, they're ones that I took myself! Enjoy.
Okay, I have no idea why I'm posting this picture, but I am. I just came across these new Jordans (again) and thought they were sick as shit! NICE. Even if you were a dude, wouldn't you wear these? I sure would. As a chick, yes, and as a dude? I'm guessing so!
That's it for now. Short & sweet. I might post more later. Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?! Later, guys.
lucky you get to go to new york! i'm jealous!