Baaack to my topic.
If, by now, you don't know that my cousin Ehryn (pronounced ERIN; don't get it twisted) is having a baby, you must be BRAND NEW to my life and/or my blog. You wanna know the most incredible part about her having this baby? She chose me to be one of the Godmothers! YAY! I personally don't have a Godmother, and that's fine. I've always wanted or thought about how amazing it would be to be given the opportunity to be a Godmother. Not everybody in life gets this opportunity, you know! ALSO, YOU MUST KNOW THAT THIS WAS NUMBER 3 ON MY BUCKET LIST! I was beyond shocked when Ehryn asked me! I feel so blessed! This child will without a doubt enrich Ehryn's life.
Oh! I should also cut in and mention that I bought Ehryn's pregnancy test for her. She got the "positive" on Christmas Eve 2010. What a gift. :)
Back to what I was saying. This child will without a doubt enrich Ehryn's life. When she told our Gran Nina, she was sooo happy -- along with Granny Sarah & Ehryn's mom, (my Auntie) Vicki. I'm so glad they were nothing but 1 million percent supportive of her because she was SO scared to tell them and she had no idea how she was going to do it. The support hasn't slowed down one bit and I'm certain it won't.
But yeah. I'm very excited about my new role in life! I promise (and swear on everything I have), Ehryn will not regret her decision; I'm going to do everything I can for my God child. I haven't needed to pick anybody yet obviously because I don't have kids; but I can imagine choosing somebody to trust with your child's LIFE (who isn't even born yet btw), wouldn't be an absolute easy choice to make.
I CAN'T WAIT TO FEEL BABY KICK FOR THE FIRST TIME. I will definitely be documenting all of baby's "firsts!" First steps, first words, first everything!
AUGUST 11TH 2011.