Sunday, March 20, 2011

Guy, Vinny, Charlie, Emma, AHH!

Ahh, I can sit here and look at Nicki Minaj's video ALL day. [Right Thru Me]. I don't even care that the song isn't new anymore! As long as he continues to pop up on my screen, I'll be great. What is his name? Where is he from? What does he do? LOL, okay okay, maybe I'm overreacting... but he is beautiful.

Now, it's time for...

Clearly overrated, but so God damn addicting! I think the show is far beyond ridiculous but... ahh! I just can't help myself! You wanna know how horrible this show is? We talked about it with one of my college instructors for about 10 minutes during class one day -- and guys even watch this show! Many of them don't like to admit it, but I've heard the manliest guys say they "fricken love that show, man." Now, I don't normally like to watch the "hot" shows and get involved in what everyone seems to be obsessed about; but I couldn't help it! I think Vinny is one of the best. I don't think he's attractive at ALL, but he seems to be highly respectful -- aside from the grenade jokes (but who doesn't crack those?) Him and Pauly D. Well, I guess anybodys gonna look respectful when they live in a house with Mike. I'd call him The Situation, but he's really not that big a'deal.

Back to Vinny. Did he not make you wish that you Tivo'd that shit from Season 1 and replayed it back for your man?! After he said this, all of you should have threw your hands up and started fist pumping. I know I did. If all men thought this way, we would all live in peace. Hahaha. Don't know the quote I'm talking about? Here it is...

Team VINNY !!

Another couple things I've love to discuss with all of you today --
Charlie Sheen and Emma Watson

Yes, Charlie Sheen. I think the media (as usual) is going waaay over board with their attention on him. I don't even know what he did to tell you the truth. All I hear about him is "CHARLIE SHEEN... WINNING." Okay, whatever that means. I'm down. But I came across this earlier and I don't know the whole deal, as I stated, but I thought this was ridiculous! Would you get something like this done? Seriously?
Aaand now for Emma. Who is Emma Watson, you ask? I'm guessing if you're not my friend Makayla or my mother, you won't know her by name. But if you DO know her, don't get mad at me! I know you recognize the name. You do, don't cha? Does HERMIONE ring a bell? Hermione Granger. If this does NOT ring a bell, please get the eff off my page right now, lol. ANYHOOT! I don't know what made her do this, but she did it! She looks SO gorgeous with long and short hair though -- to tell you the truth, I think I prefer her with short hair! She's got such a pretty face, she doesn't need hair to hide it. I saw her on the cover of a magazine a few months ago and was shocked when I saw it. I asked my dad if he knew her and he was like, "Uhh... nope." I explained who she was and I knew he wouldn't care anyways, haha!
 But that's it for today! Just thought I'd share what I've been checking out the past few days.


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