Casey Anthony. If you don't know the name, get outta here.For
me, the below is SLAM DUNK evidence.
First of all... if you have a missing child, do you NOT report them missing within minutes? I'm not a parent or anything, but I would think you'd be on the phone with 911 within minutes of not being able to find your child! (Okay, maybe living in the village, you wouldn't call 911 so quick... but you'd call everyone else to see if they've seen him or her!) Now, we
all already know this is a lie because Casey Anthony's defense team said that Casey lied about her daughter being missing and
drowned in the pool. You follow me?
So, that's my first slam dunk! I mean, why lie in the first place if you are innocent? EXACTLY. You're not innocent. Shit, man.
Two: Casey Anthony made up an
imaginary Nanny named Zanieda. Zanieda didn't even exist, but for 31 days she ran a series of lies that resulted around "Zanieda kidnapping Caylee" and that Casey was trying to find her... She apparently didn't think she needed the help of police to get her daughter back, but we also learn from the defense that this is a lie and that Casey
made up Zanieda!
Three: Even after Casey has the ability to tell the police what happened to her daughter that, "it was an accidental drowning" according to her defense team, Casey leads the police on a chase to places she hadn't been employed at for years and avoids telling the police what happened to her daughter. If it was an accident, why cover it up?
SOME OF YOU DUMB ASSES STILL THINK SHE INNOCENT?Here is numéro 4: Casey's actions after the death of her child where she indicated her daughter was "just missing" is not consistant with a grieving mother. At least I don't think so... Oh, what's that? You didn't hear what she was up to? Her friends and co-workers said she was at
partying at bars, servilence cameras caught her at numbers of stores on
shopping sprees and her boyfriend testified that they spent a
relaxing day in bed together the day AFTER Caylee supposedly went missing (thanks honey, for that). No where during this time does Casey mention her daughter was missing or had drowned. Any mother would testify that if their child died or went missing, it would be the end of their world. Well, that's what I think! I personally, would
not be able to function! This shows that she is happy with not having her daughter in her life and that she loves her freedom. ALSO CHECK THIS RECENT PHOTO. PARTYING QUICK THERE, GIRL! Celebrating Independence Day nicely, I see. (You want more photos for proof that this is Casey? I'll give it to yah. Just ask.)
Five: When they got Caseys car (which was hidden at a tow yard), it was inspected by police officers. An expert that worked with dead bodies for over 20 years was able to identify the smell as a dead body.
Six: There is
no reason to ever put duct tape over a child's mouth without
meaning to hurt them. So weather the duct tape was the weapon or not, her intentions were abusive and the last person seen with Caylee was Casey! There was
no kidnapping and she lied about her child's whereabouts for OVER A MONTH.
Seven: Blowflies (that are only attracted to broke down bodies) were found in Casey's trunk.
Experts have testified that these flies indicate a dead body was in the trunk. (Duh!) While a dead body was not found in the trunk, blowflies were found in the trash bags that were
innnn the trunk. *Now once again, if this was an accident,
why would you put your child in the trunk of a car and hide their death?!Eight: Do you know what
chloroform is? I just found out today. It's a liquid used to calm you down or even put you to sleep. Doctors use this before doing painful procedures. Investigators found chloroform substance in the carpet of Casey's trunk and NOT ONLY THAT, but internet searches were found on how to make chloroform on the Anthony's Computer. 84 searches were done, so this wasn't just ONE Google search by mistake or anything!
Now, if that's not enough for you, then I don't know what is. Leave your comments and thoughts on the trial. Is she innocent or guilty? I'm open to hear whatever.
Rest in Peace Caylee.
You didn't deserve that.