Thursday, July 28, 2011

Emmerson PHBB.

Ehryn finally got discharged from the hospital yesterday! She gave birth to my God son Emmerson PHBB on July 20th @ 6:43 PM. He weighed 8 lbs 13½ oz and was 21 inches long. I feel like I've waited forever to meet him! Aside from work & the most random tasks I had planned, I never made it to Terrace to see her in the hospital. I didn't even know she delivering in Terrace until 5 minutes before she started pushing!

Wheew. Back to THIS week, 'cause that was last week. I finally had the chance to meet, hold, spend time, bond, smile & talk with my God son! I can't even begin to say what it felt like when I stepped into the living room & saw Ehryn walking towards me with him. My heart didn't only melt, but it somehow molded itself back together & continued melting the whole friggen night! I have SO much love for this little man. :) I don't know how to thank Ehryn for chosing me as a God mother for Emmerson. For those of you who don't know, "To be a Godmother" was on my Bucket List! (I should blog about my bucket list, yeah?) I see like ten million great things about being a God parent, but I'll only give you my main reason for right now... You can't make yourself a God mother! Somebody has to decide if they have enough trust in you to give you such a huge responsibility. Its not picking/choosing a best friend, here! The way I also see it, is not everybody will get the opportunity to be a Godmother/Godfather in their life time. There was somebody that I talked to when I was like 13 and she couldn't STAND her God child! I think it was that moment when I started realizing the meaning to what the title actually means to BE a God parent. My thoughts were something like, "Okay, if I have kids when I'm older, and I heard the Godmother couldn't stand my kid, what would I think? What would I do?" I don't think I processed my thoughts fully or made them make much sense, but I did try to think about it! Anyways. I'm thankful. More than thankful. That's all I can say. I swear I got more muscles in my jaw from smiling at Emmerson for so long when I was holding him last night. My eyes were gluuued to him, omg.

I only got to spend the night with him and I'm off to Prince George today, but I will definitely be spending a LOT more time there! I'm stoked to watch him grow up.

I'm also gonna be designing Ehryns baby shower invitations! Yay!! :)

That's it for now, I'm sure you'll be hearing a LOT more about him! (I'll post pics of him soon, too).

Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Film Experience: MONSTER

It should be illegal to not post once a day! I'm back. But like the last post said, I've been angry and upset and whatever the heck else, but now I'm good! Betcha missed me. If you didn't, why'd you come back? Gotcha.

Anyway! Got a comment on my last blog. Huge deal for those who don't know!
The comment was, "What about the team you worked with when you took your course? I'd love to hear about your experiences in the training you took."  Thank you Megan, for that!

And here I go! :)

The best team, I'd have to say that I worked with while I was in school was the "Monster" Crew. You guys do not even understand how big'a deal this was for me!
So, pretty much I got to work with some great people. Ed Brando, first of all. Great guy... I mean GREAT. He's a Canadian Producer and Production Manager at William F. Whites. If you don't know what William F. Whites is, I'm guessing you're not a film student, lol. Whites is Canada's biggest provider of motion picture, television and theatrical production equipment! Not to mention the oldest. Ed taught me a lot on set and he was nice about it the whole time.
I got to work with him again when I was called to help set-up for Stunts Canada's 40th Anniversary Party! If it weren't for my past instructor, Brent Stafford, then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to even meet Ed. Also on set, I was able to work with Jon Joffin (Cinematographer), Deborah Burns (Director & Writer), Timo Puolitaipale (Producer) and Marilyn Thomas (Producer). Got to talk to these people quite a bit and it was awesome. Also, Vince, Derek, Zach and Rich were a few guys I remember meeting on set. I don't think you can ever film a movie by being completely serious 100% of the time!

The main actress was Jodelle Ferland. I don't know if any of you guys know who she is? But she was on Silent Hill in 2006. She was on the cover of the DVD -- with no mouth! Ahh!
Did you watch Silent Hill? Did you enjoy it?

I don't know what else to say about my experience with this team? It was just all around amazing. OH! When I first went to set, it was with a classmate and a very good friend of mine, Robert Wood. I forgot to mention we took a Skytrain for 40 minutes, got on 3 buses, took a 20 minute cab and walked a mile just to go to set that day! And I'm SERIOUS. Oh man, the things you do! Every minute was worth it though! I wouldn't have met so many great people or get the feel of an actual film shoot if I hadn't gone!

(The final version is not completed yet, but I will be sure to share when it is!)
Here are some stills from the short film. I hope you enjoy them.
NEXT (probably later on tonight), I will be blogging about my cousin Korryn and her two friends McKenna and Ashley who set up a lemonade stand. Why is it worth blogging? Come back to find out! :)

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Road Bump

There has been a slight road bump in my blog lately. I normally blog (or try to) every day. Sometimes, it's not even just once -- I'll blog like 2-4 different topics!

I've been a little upset and angry these past few days and I promised myself I wouldn't vent too much on my blog. I use to when I first started up the blog, but who is that helping? Seriously.

Especially after the last post I did (one down from this one), I state if you can change something about what you're complaining about, change it! If you can't, don't complain. I can change this certain problem, but it's a little complicated, so I chose not to.

So, that's been what's keeping me away from my blog here lately! Now you know. Don't worry, I'll be back to it soon. I might blog tonight about BIG BROTHER! I've been meaning to do that. That always gets me excited! Later, guys.

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Thursday, July 7, 2011


What is your purpose? What is mine? Does anybody really have one? Why do we complain about our lives? Does everything really happen for a reason? Why do I ask so many questions I know I will never know the answers to? READ THE ALCHEMIST.

But what's up with yall?

I've been slowly (and surely) trying to figure this whole life thing out. It's hard. It's complicated. Sometimes I don't know up from down, left from right, right from wrong... Sometimes I wish I can just go back to when I was a  baby so I can live my life all over again. Did I do it right? If I went back, would I even be the same person I am? I don't believe so. I hate Kanye West, but in a song of his, he says "everything I'm not, made me everything I am." It's kinda true. Really! And I mean everything. I believe that every SINGLE thing that we have done in our life, has lead us to the point we're at right now. One thing different and we probably wouldn't be anything like the person we are today. Think long and hard about it. I did. If you disagree? Whatever. You have your own opinions. Comment about it.

You know what? I keep saying that I'm old. In my mind, sometimes I feel like I am... people are always like, "You are NOT old!" But that's not what my mind thinks sometimes. But I'm really off and on about the whole situation. I've said it once in my blog and I'll say it again... "People always say life is short, but it's the longest thing we've got! So, live it!"
But THEN... I'll think about it like, I'm kindaaa not that old. I just feel stuck. But when I think about it, just graduated college a few months ago. I'm 19. I would have to say I learned a shit-load in college (obviously), but I can say I learned a LOT more about myself and life just being there. When you're away by yourself, you realize things. You learn a lot. It's kinda like you get the idea of what it'll be like, but you're actually living it for that moment and it's so overwhelming and just so much more then you expected! Maybe that's just me? Meh, I don't know.

Another note? I've also learned that as far as complaining goes, we need to give ourselves a little talk before we start to verbally express certain feelings. ESPECIALLY ON FACEBOOK! We need to take the thing we are about to complain about and put it into either one of two categories. You ready?

Category one: Things that I can do something about
Category two: Things that I cannot do something about

Complicated, huh?

For example... complaining about how tall you are? You can't change how tall you are, so stop bitchin' about it. I mean, unless you're going to go schedule an appointment for Limb/Leg Lengthening Surgery. But seriously! The other example... complaining about how broke you are. That is fixable. So, instead of complaining and blaming people, think of how you can NOT be broke. Duh people. But it can be hard sometimes. I'm not saying it isn't! It's verrryy hard not to complain about certain things -- especially when you're so caught up in the moment, so angry, so upset, etc., etc. But keep this in mind! I've been trying to lately.
Also, the fact of the matter is, even though sooo many people get on my nerves (lol), I try to help everyone be the best person they can be. But I know it starts with me. I'm not too old and I don't have anything to complain about. It's so hard to prove that I'm a good person and I'm willing to help others when everyone has a certain look at me. They either judge me because of what I've done, who I'm with, who my family is, or something I've said. When I was younger, there was so much unnecessary drama going on, but I'm over it! I feel like there's two groups of people who graduate from high school. People who mature, and people who take another 10 years to mature. I've been letting the little feuds go and move on. If I don't talk to you, it doesn't mean I hate you. In my books, there are 4 categories in which I put people in... and you can judge me if you want. Here are the categories!

1. People I Talk To.
(we converse, have lunch, text, walk with, etc).

2. People I Say Hi To.
(do not have real conversations -- maybe "How is it going?" "Good" "That's good." "Take care")

3. People I See & Know Exist.
(a lot of these people are probably people that think I hate them. It's people I see at the store sometimes or see in a group of people, and we don't talk to at all. I do not have beef with these people -- we just don't deal! Maybe they have beef with me? Who knows!)

4. People I Dislike (Usually For A Reason).

(now, to be honest... there are only 4 people I can think of that go in this group. If anything, I'm missing one person, but I know for sure this "list" is not over 5 people. I try to stop with all the hatred. There is only ONE person from my home town on this list, and chances are you would not guess who it is).
That's it for now, I guess. If I blog this weekend, it's while I'm in Rupert, so it'll be short because it'll be via. Blackberry. But seriously. Once again, read The Alchemist. Great book. It'll make you think.

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Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia NOT the longest word.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. Do you know what that means? It means "fear of long words." The fucked up part is, I'm not kidding. I remember when I told my cousin Cassidi this, she SWORE I was bullshitting. So, I googled it and proved it to her. She now asks me every once in awhile how to say it because she likes hearing me say it; gets such a kick out of it every time. If you don't believe me, the Google search will be ready for you at the end of this blog.

With deciding to do some super fun, random googling today, I came across a word that I swear to God was pulling my legs. I don't think Lincoln would believe me on this one because he didn't even think supercalifragilisticexpialidocious was a real word. THAT means fabulous. :)

Anyways. I found a new word, which I want to learn how to pronounce within a day or two. It's pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. That's 45 letters long!!! It means "a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs." Could you imagine going to the Doctor? What do these guys expect us to know? "So, what is it Doctor?" "Well, you have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" "Oh, okay then." *leaves Dr's room* I don't think so!

Here are the Google searches I promised you!
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (35 letters)
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

* FYI * There are a few other words spelt longer than hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, but these are my favourite ones! *
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Eminem Disses Lady Gaga & Bieber (and Mariah & Nick)

It's official. Eminem has disses Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber on one track together. If you haven't heard it, it's called "The Kiss" with Royce Da 5'9. Click to listen to (and read lyrics) on YouTube. I don't know the exact reason Eminem tried to diss Bieber... maybe because he tried rapping one of his songs at a concert? HORRIBLE JOB. Check it out:

I know it's not good, but I was hoping the diss would be better, LOL. No hate towards Gaga, she's crazy, unique and definitely doing her own thing. Born This Way could not have been a bigger hit. As for Justin Bieber... whatever, he's like 12. Anyways, I was hoping the diss would have turned out huge like him and Mariah had it out in '09. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then here I go!

The feud OFFICIALLY started after Eminem released the song "Bagpipes From Baghdad." The following lyrics were aimed at Mariah and (her husband) Nick Cannon: "Mariah, whatever happened to us? Why did we have to break up? Nick Cannon better back the fuck up, I'm not playin! I want her back, you punk. I mean I really want you bad, you c**t. Nick, you had your fun, I've come to kick you in your sack of junk." He was obviously joking for the most part, because even though they DID have something going on, he claims not to miss it. At all. Anyways...

Right after Mariah heard the song, she released the first single of one of her albums... the song was called "Obsessed." It was a reply to Eminem's track! Mariah bashes back: "Why are you so obsessed with me? Boy I want to know! Lyin' that you're sexin' me. You're delusional, boy you're losing your mind. Tellin' the world how much you miss me, but we never were, so why you trippin?" You wanna know what she did to bring it over the top a little bit? She dressed up herself as Eminem for her Music Video! If you want and you haven't seen it, you can watch HERE. I'd post, but I don't want her face on my blog.

Finally, the last piece of music released of this feud was "The Warning" in reply to Mariah's "Obsessed." You're following this correctly, right?

Now, in this song (The Warning), which is the most INSULTING out of all three, he raps: "I’m obsessed now? Oh, gee. Is that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee? Wow Mariah. Didn’t expect you to go balls out. Bitch, shut the fuck up before I put all them phone calls out. Nick, faggot you think I'm scared of you? You gonna ruin my career? You better get one. Like I'm gonna sit and fight with you over some slut, bitch, c**t that made me put up with her psycho ass for over six months and only spread her legs to let me hit it once." And thaaat was just the BEGINNING of the song!

THERE IS NO OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO FOR "THE WARNING," BUT YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE SONG & READ THE LYRICS ON SCREEN BELOW. Don't say I didn't warn you! It's insulting and goooooddd. Helps that I don't like Mariah Carey at all though, I guess!

But since then, there has been nothing. No come backs. Well, not since Nick Cannon released "Slick Rick" in September 2010. And if you recall me mentioning at the beginning of this blog, all of this beef between Mariah and Eminem was in 2009. These are his oh, so hurtful lyrics of choice: "I dunno if I should hit him, 'cause he's feminine, Slick. Excuse me, Eminem, but why you lyin' on your dick? Erectile dysfunction -- you want to get a lump, then? I see your mouth moving, but you're soft, Teddy Ruxpin." I do not. Even know. What to say.

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R.I.P Gordon Tootoosis

Gordon Tootoosis passed away from pneumonia at St. Paul's hospital in Saskatoon yesterday. He was 69 years old.

This is SO sad. When I first heard about it, I was in complete shock! On Friday night (Saturday morning), I had a dream that he passed away! I don't remember how in my dream, but I was so glad it wasn't real… When my dad told me this, I was SO sad. I remember when I met him at the Duncan Film Festival in 2008. He was taking photos with a few people and his agent told him "Let's get going." I was NEXT in line and pretty upset I couldn't get my photo. Gordon looked at me and nodded his head for me to go over by him… I got the photo! I'm bummed that I can't find where it is atm, but as soon as I find it, I'll be sure to link it to this blog!

He was not only a great actor, but an inspiration. He was definitely a role model. He was into politics -- very smart. He's the kinda person that if you bring up negative, he'll pretty much yell the positives in your face!

*sigh* This really sucks. I think he was one of, if not, the most popular Aboriginal Actors there are. Here is a list of 8 films he was in… there are waaaay more on his IMDb Page, if you'd like to check that!


North of 60
 (1992) -- as Albert Golo [TV Series]
Pocahontas (1995) -- as voice of Kekata [Animation]
Alaska (1996) -- Ben Quincy Store [Adventure]
Pocahontas: The Legend (1999) -- as Chief Powhatan [Drama]
(2003) -- as Kills Enemy [Drama]
Smallville (2004) -- as Joseph Willowbrook [TV Series]
Shania: A Life in Eight Albums (2005) -- as Greey Twain [Bio]
Open Season (2006) -- as voice of Gordy [Animation]

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Petition to Stop the Caylee Anthony Dolls

Quoted from the Official Petition Website:
"Some low life has been making money off of the Caylee Anthony case. The dolls are called Caylee Sunshine and when you press it's stomach, it sings the song little Caylee sang... You are my Sunshine. This person is trying to make some money off of Caylee's name. I think its wrong
- Eden Kleinschroth


Your support is greatly appreciated! Nobody deserves what his 2-year-old girl had done to her. Please have a heart and sign the petition! You don't need to sign up for anything... A bit of info is asked for, but you are not mailed anything or charged a cent! Petition is for Canadian residents ONLY, so spread the word! Thank you.

Casey Anthony. Eight Reasons for Jail! (RIP Caylee)

Casey Anthony. If you don't know the name, get outta here.

For me, the below is SLAM DUNK evidence.

First of all... if you have a missing child, do you NOT report them missing within minutes? I'm not a parent or anything, but I would think you'd be on the phone with 911 within minutes of not being able to find your child! (Okay, maybe  living in the village, you wouldn't call 911 so quick... but you'd call everyone else to see if they've seen him or her!) Now, we all already know this is a lie because Casey Anthony's defense team said that Casey lied about her daughter being missing and instead, drowned in the pool. You follow me?
So, that's my first slam dunk! I mean, why lie in the first place if you are innocent? EXACTLY. You're not innocent. Shit, man.

Two: Casey Anthony made up an imaginary Nanny named Zanieda. Zanieda didn't even exist, but for 31 days she ran a series of lies that resulted around "Zanieda kidnapping Caylee" and that Casey was trying to find her... She apparently didn't think she needed the help of police to get her daughter back, but we also learn from the defense that this is a lie and that Casey made up Zanieda!

Three: Even after Casey has the ability to tell the police what happened to her daughter that, "it was an accidental drowning" according to her defense team, Casey leads the police on a chase to places she hadn't been employed at for years and avoids telling the police what happened to her daughter. If it was an accident, why cover it up?


Here is numéro 4: Casey's actions after the death of her child where she indicated her daughter was "just missing" is not consistant with a grieving mother. At least I don't think so... Oh, what's that? You didn't hear what she was up to? Her friends and co-workers said she was at partying at bars, servilence cameras caught her at numbers of stores on shopping sprees and her boyfriend testified that they spent a relaxing day in bed together the day AFTER Caylee supposedly went missing (thanks honey, for that). No where during this time does Casey mention her daughter was missing or had drowned. Any mother would testify that if their child died or went missing, it would be the end of their world. Well, that's what I think! I personally, would not be able to function! This shows that she is happy with not having her daughter in her life and that she loves her freedom. ALSO CHECK THIS RECENT PHOTO. PARTYING QUICK THERE, GIRL! Celebrating Independence Day nicely, I see. (You want more photos for proof that this is Casey? I'll give it to yah. Just ask.)

Five: When they got Caseys car (which was hidden at a tow yard), it was inspected by police officers.  An expert that worked with dead bodies for over 20 years was able to identify the smell as a dead body.

Six: There is no reason to ever put duct tape over a child's mouth without meaning to hurt them. So weather the duct tape was the weapon or not, her intentions were abusive and the last person seen with Caylee was Casey! There was no kidnapping and she lied about her child's whereabouts for OVER A MONTH.

Seven: Blowflies (that are only attracted to broke down bodies) were found in Casey's trunk. Experts have testified that these flies indicate a dead body was in the trunk. (Duh!) While a dead body was not found in the trunk, blowflies were found in the trash bags that were innnn the trunk. *Now once again, if this was an accident, why would you put your child in the trunk of a car and hide their death?!

Eight: Do you know what chloroform is? I just found out today. It's a liquid used to calm you down or even put you to sleep. Doctors use this before doing painful procedures. Investigators found chloroform substance in the carpet of Casey's trunk and NOT ONLY THAT, but internet searches were found on how to make chloroform on the Anthony's Computer. 84 searches were done, so this wasn't just ONE Google search by mistake or anything!
Now, if that's not enough for you, then I don't know what is. Leave your comments and thoughts on the trial. Is she innocent or guilty? I'm open to hear whatever.

Rest in Peace Caylee.
You didn't deserve that.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mug Shot Man & Julia Roberts Tattoo?


David Davis was arrested mid-haircut after grabbing a pair of scissors and stabbing another man in the back at the barbershop. This happened some time early-March this year. I've been meaning to post it, but just never did. I came across the photo on my laptop and thought I'd FINALLY upload it, so I can delete it off here. Although the victim was fine, Davis is being held on $5,000, and the world was given the awesome gift of his extremely daring hairdo. I wanna say I love it? And I give it 3 years before every dumb ass in Detroit is sporting this exact same look. Smh. Here you go!
(For those of you who can't figure out why his hair is like this... he was getting his hair done while he stabbed the other man! He couldn't wait 'til his hair was finished? Seriously? Hahahaha).

This is freaking crazy!
Miljenko Parserisas Bukovic, a 56-year-old NEWSPAPER SELLER from Mexico, revealed his inked artwork in a photo shoot in Valparaiso city. He has so far spent just over $71,000 CA for the 82 tattoos! The newspaper vendor’s obsession with tattoos of Roberts started after he watched her in Erin Brockovich.

To my knowledge, there are several perks to being one of the most famous movie stars in the WORLD. You’re filthy rich, you’re friends with Oprah, and you can brag about all the shit you've had roles in. Oh, of course there’s the millions of people in the world who ADORE you. That must be nice. Until some dude tattoos your face 82 times and counting on his body. That could maaaaaybe freak somebody out. He’s like The Illustrated Man, except instead of cool stories, at night his body comes alive with Julia Roberts films! That's what I'm talking about. That is some hit or miss viewing. Anyway, great job for tattooing over $71,000 worth of ink on your body. 82 tattoos is so many alone, let alone of all the same person! I only have, like, ten tattoos of Idris Elba's face on myyy body. :)

Oooooh, you wanna see a bigger picture, do ya? CLICK HERE.You're welcome! Possibly and probably will add more later, my pretties! See yah.

Mark Halperin on Barack Obama (suspended).

Whyyy am I up so early? I don't know, but I felt it was blog time. I dislike being up early before work because then my hours are messed up in my head! But anyways, Mark Halperin is the Senior Political Analyst for TIME Magazine. On June 30th, he was suspended after calling Barack Obama a "dick" on Live TV.

That's what your dumb ass gets.


Saturday, July 2, 2011


This elderly woman suffers from Alzheimers. The nurse taking care of her in this video throws her on the bed from her wheelchair, rolls her over, shoving her face into the wall, and wipes her. After finishing this up, she throws the woman back in her chair and PUNCHES HER IN THE FACE!!! This is an 85-year-old elderly woman we're talking about! That's someones mother and grandmother! A different nurse has also sprayed substance in this woman's face after throwing her on the bed AND she's been almost dropped from other nurses and pointed and laughed at... IN HER OWN HOSPITAL ROOM.

I'll stop working and move to take care of my gran and grandma if I have to! This isn't happening to them. The whole time I watched this video, that's all I could do was think of them!


[Just watch the video until 3mins and 55sec because some dude linked his cover of a song after the footage. Or watch if you want, idc.]