Monday, July 11, 2011

Road Bump

There has been a slight road bump in my blog lately. I normally blog (or try to) every day. Sometimes, it's not even just once -- I'll blog like 2-4 different topics!

I've been a little upset and angry these past few days and I promised myself I wouldn't vent too much on my blog. I use to when I first started up the blog, but who is that helping? Seriously.

Especially after the last post I did (one down from this one), I state if you can change something about what you're complaining about, change it! If you can't, don't complain. I can change this certain problem, but it's a little complicated, so I chose not to.

So, that's been what's keeping me away from my blog here lately! Now you know. Don't worry, I'll be back to it soon. I might blog tonight about BIG BROTHER! I've been meaning to do that. That always gets me excited! Later, guys.

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1 comment:

  1. you're only human. human's have emotions. some have control over them, some don't. you do :) .. no one would hold your alleged 'complaining' against you, quite honestly, it would just be viewed as another opinion, no? your blog is called 'no holding back' ... so you better now ;)

    i dont get the chance to visit your blog often, but when i do, i always find something interesting. i'll try comment when i can as well, cuz when i blogged, i didnt like it when people read my material and didnt comment.

    hmm, what should you blog about next? what about the team you worked with when you took your course? i'd love to hear about your experiences in the training you took. if not next blog, maybe eventually?:)

    keep up the great blog Jennifer:)

