Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"If you love something, then let it go."

I have never understood the phrase, "If you love something, then let it go." NO! It doesn't work like that. If you love something, you fight for it. You make the effort to keep it. You don't just it let go. Why? Because "it" had your attention for some time before. Psycho sounding? Maybe a little, but I can explain. When I say don't give up, I mean don't let it go until you realize that there is absolutely nothing left for you to do. You're at your wits end. You're done? You're tired? You're the only one working for it? THAT is when you let it go. For clarification, that's not letting something go because you love it. That's letting it go because you're sick of being the only one trying. Simply put, you let it go because you're tired. You let it go because it wasn't worth it anymore. I hate bullshit quotes. The quote I wrote above, is the real reason people let something they love, go. And let me stop calling it "something." It's usually "someone."
This does not refer to me in any way. Just thinking of conversations my friends and I have had, whether they are local or away. The quote just came to my head and it called for a post. Posted. Check!

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