Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Money. Wealth. Richasspeople.

Okay. Can you imagine making $73,000,000,000 a year? That's 73 billion, for those of you who are getting googley-eyed, thanks to all the zero's. Like, it's crazy to even think that you can physically have that much money... imagine all those fresh printed bills every year. Wow. If you do the math, that means you would be getting $6,083,333,333 every MONTH! And a little more math, if you don't mind, works out to say that you would be making TWO HUNDRED AND TWO MILLION DOLLARS A DAY!!

Seems very unrealistic for somebody like me, but not for Carlos Slim. Carlos is a Mexican business magnate, investor and philanthropist. I read up a bit on what he does, but to be honest, it's too much for me to get completely. He seems to do a LOT.
I don't know why I decided to find out who the "20 Richest People in the World" were, but in case you were wondering, Oprah did not even make the list. To show you how filled with money some people are, the 20th richest man, is Larry Page. (Don't know who he is? Do you use Google? Okay, you can thank him for that). He makes 23 BILLION, a year.
Do you understand what I'm getting at? You can literally buy a fancy ass house and a brand new vehicle (Toyota i-ROAD, anyone?) for all your relatives and still have a LOT left over for the next generation aaand even the generation after that! It is all about how you spend your money though, of course. But still. I just want a billion. ONE billion. Anybody?

Carlos should just send one million $1,000,000 cheques in the mail. That wouldn't even put a dent in his bank account. Carlos, or anybody from his business, if you're reading this and need my address, I will gladly send it to you as soon as possible. :) I can't even get this out of my head. Once again, he makes 202 MILLION DOLLARS a DAY... Damn.

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