Wednesday, June 3, 2009
• I hate when people say, "WHERE DID YOU LOSE IT?!" Uh, if I knew that, it wouldn't be lost, idiot!
• I hate when the bottom of my pants get wet from walking outside.
• I hate when people give cash back with the bill on the bottom & the coins slide off, usually onto the ground.
• I hate when people say, "Oh my God, you're back?!" Uh, clearly!
• ALSO! When people look at you & say, "Oh! You didn't leave yet?" Obviously not.
• I hate when people think they're funny & go on & on... And really? They're NOT funny.
• I hate when people write, "BAHAHA!"
• The ONLY thing I hate (about work) is when I'm smiling @ a customer & ask if they want a bag or anything & they don't look at me and don't say anything.
• I hate when ketchup gets hard & dry, then sticks all over the lid.
• I hate when I sneeze 10 times in a row, then bite my tongue.
• I hate when you think about something, but don't say anything, then a friend brings the exact same thing up & they think you're lying about thinking about it, too!
• I hate when people compare me with "Most Girls."
• I hate when people don't take me seriously because of my age!
• I hate when people say to call them back, but the line is busy or they don't pick up.
• I hate it when people take a day to respond to my texts.
• I hate when Teachers have favourites!!
• I hate racism.
• I hate racism.
• I hate racism.
• I hate Jamie.
• I hate Hilary Duff, BeyoncĂ© & Miley Cyrus.
• I hate when a new track comes out & you seriously hear it everywhere.
• I hate when I walk down the street with one of my boys & apparently that makes me in LOVE with him. Yeah, okay, people!
• I hate when people judge.
• I hate when I'm all excited for something & end up finding out I mixed up the dates.
• I hate when I don't know what to blog about.
• I hate when people don't answer me/being ignored.
Believe it or not, this isn't the end of my list! But I think I'm going to stop. I'll continue it some day, lol. Maybe a week from now, maybe in a month. Who knows?
But you know what I love? More like, who? BESIDES MY BOYFRIENDDD... Travis McCoy! I'll have a photo posted of him one day - soon! Stay posted. LEAVE COMMENTS OR RATE MY POSTS!! Thanks. Love you all.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Little Shop Party, "planning," and SABA.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Lady GaGa, Chris Brown & others.
Next celebrity? CHRIS BROWN! He is nottt a monster! People are labeling him as this now. Uh, lame? Yeah, a little bit. On YouTube, Chris says (and I quote!), "I just wanna say, 'What up?' because I ain't been out there in a minute. New album will be coming soon. We're working on it right now. Called 'Graffiti.' Got everything on it, know what I'm saying? I'll be ready for that. I'm about to drop a single this summer for y'all, so we ain't going nowhere. Everybody that's haters, they just been haters. All my real fans, I love you all. I ain't a monster."
Update? He's been charged with felony assault and making criminal threats in relation to allegations he big, choked and punched Rihanna in February. UGH! Why do I write her name? I HATE RIHANNA. But anyways, a court hearing relating to this case was held yesterday, but Chris didn't attend!
Chris is ALSO being sued by a man who claims he was assaulted by a security member at an L.A. Fitness Club last March. Robert Rosen is the man suing. He says that the body guard chased him after he took a picture of Chris while he was playing basketball. The photographer started running & fell down a flight of stairs. This is when the body guard so-called, "picked him up by his shorts, and physically assaulted him." Mhmm. And CHRIS is getting sued for his actions. People gotta lay off on Chris, man. Foreal!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Dom Kennedy & U-N-I
I still have to write about E-Dot-Dizzy! So I'll be posting either some time today or tomorrow. I'll probably post some random shit later & talk about E-Dot-Dizzy tomorrow. And I'll have pics of him, too! Keep up to daaate!
Monday, May 25, 2009
NEW YORK CITY & more new Jordans!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Nooka, LeBron, UTB, Drake & Rihanna
DOLLA - Matte Babel
Thursday, May 21, 2009
But ANYWAYS, on top of that. I'm leaving pretty soon. Which sucks because that means I'll have to quit my job! *tear* I lo-lo-love my job! I'm cool with everyone I work with, plus its close to home! Down the street from muh crib, nawmeen? Lol, jk.
One thing I don't understand, not about MY job, but jobs in general... If people are looking for a job & don't have time to do it. That, or they hate their job within the first like, week. That's lame! I har a lot of my friends complaining about their jobs & what not. I swear to God, I'm the only teenager that's in LOVE with my job (and my boyfriend!) But I'm jus' sayin... Like, you know? Its sooo hard to even look for a job in Kitimat/Kitamaat, nevermind GET one! I just mean, guys, if you're even CONSIDERED for a job around here, you should be happy. Especially as a teen? Money is money to us. A lot of us don't even know what to spend it on, but its always nice just to have it there for whatever you decide you may need it for.
*ahem* Aaanyways... Hmm. I'd finish blogging & talk about something else too, but I'm SO STRESSED OUT right now!! I'm frustrated & confused & mad. I just wanna sleep!! Hopefully when this month ends, things get on track. I haaate this feeling! Oh! Another reason I love work? It gets my mind off this shiiit.
Sleep tight, my fellow humans.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Now, what defines a liar, you may ask? Simple! Someone who tells a lie. Which, I'm sure everyone has done before. Nobody likes liars, though. I mean hey, I don't! But the fact of the matter is, people lie. Its like in our blood, its human nature.
There are, however, different levels of lying I believe! The one who just do it maliciously are the ones that people are so quick to label as the liars... When even simple liars should be called out just the same, but nobody thinks about those now, do they? It doesn't matter if you are telling the lie just to protect someones feelings, or probably more than likley, protect yourself. Its all the same!
The bible says we shouldn't lie. But did the bible know how freakin' hard it is not to lie?! Sheesh! Well... They DID say bare false witness. Hmm, maybe thats the difference. Maybe there is a certain form of lying that is acceptable? Maybe some lies are justified? I really don't know, but its all very confusing. I know that some of you reading this don't even wanna admit to yourself that you're filthy little liars! All of you! Haha, but I will be the first to say, that yes. Yes, I do lie! Okay?! So, shoot me...
I really do try NOT to at any possible chance that I get. But you know, lies are just so much easier than the truth to give and recieve. I can also admit, that sometimes I don't mind being lied to. There are somethings that I just don't want the truth about because it would hurt too much... Does that sound weird? I know it may sound a little strange, but that's just how I feel. Suck it!
I know the name of this blog is "Jennifer Speaks the Truth." Haha. The fact has remained true! I have never lied in this blog. That may be due to the fact that I know certain people in my life don't read my blog. Only those who have absolutely nothing to do with it. That's one of the reasons why I feel safe in revealing my truth to all of you on here.
I don't know, man. Its all very confusing. Sometimes I think I should just right all my wrongs and start telling everyone the hard truth. But then again, if I told that about EVERYTHING I've ever done... I would probably be in jail or something, lol. No seriously, I would. Like, seriously! But that's another story for another day :)
My point is; I know that lying is wrong, but you know?! I feel like some lying is necessary. I feel like some isn't. Its up to us to decipher what is best. *sigh* I know its not gonna be easy... To tell you the truth, its better to just not get your self into situations where you would feel you need to lie about. If thats the case, you know you're doing something wrong... And that's just... Wrong!
Well! Guess that's it for now. Holla at me, babies! Laaayter!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Boys & Girls... and Lil Wayne
Its come to my attention that there are many people in this world. Yep! Many boys, many girls, many men, many women.
Lil' Wayne (who I hate to admit that I love!) has this song called "Every Girl." There he is, talkin' bout how he wishes he could smash every girl in the world, which first of all, is gross. EVERY GIRL? Come on, Wayne, have some standards! But secondly, that really is how these guys think... That you can never have too many girls. Their goal in life is to get with as many as possible, no matter what. Now, boys have the advantage over us girls in the fact that they have NO emotions! They can do it to everybody they want and just keep on pushin. Suuure they may SAY they have a main chick, but blah! On a real, boys do NOT usually give a crap about all that. Now girls, on the other hand? Some have these things called "emotions" in which they feel more attracted to a particular guy over the other. With girls, its about quality rather than QUANTITY. With boys, its the opposite. Clearly.
Bullshit Rule #1: "Girls are supposed to be the ones that get attached. Guys aren't." Who made these silly rules? Which brings me to another thing...
Relationships, marriage & commitment. What's it all about? How are people supposed to pick just ONE whole person out of billions? And once we are in a relationship, we're stuck? Until someone messes up, that is... Why can't people just live life? Actually, some people do live life. Some people don't. I guess if you want to be a life liver, you have to find other life liver's and leave the conservatives alone.
Hmm, I just get frustrated from time to time by all the rules of life, the world, all these people with their judgements... I say, if it ain't harming nobody, what's the harm? EXACTLY!
So yeah, thats my advice for everyone out there - roll with your own kind. Rolling with an opposite & trying to mush your views together can be very messy and painfull. Yeah, that's some pretty good advice if i do say so myself! :) Just know what you're getting into, that's all. If you know you are a certain way, don't try to fool people into thinking you are another way. BE YOOOU! Be happy! Do what you want in life, just make sure everyone is on the same page, lol. And if they're not? Make sure you can handle it on your own. But still make sure you let others know what's happening! That's the problem with the world today... no communication!
RANDOM P.S: I LOVE how Barack Obama is still on the cover of EVERYTHING! :)
Take care, guys.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April 1st, 2009
Actually, it wasn't like DISGUSTING, but seriously people have to waste their time like this? A few students broke like 24 eggs in the hall and threw a smoothie against the wall. Eggs & egg shells ALL over the floor & smoothie running down the walls, making a puddle on the floor.
Its pretty lame. It wasn't even a good joke, lol. I was hoping something amazing would have been planned. I had a few ideas, but its my final year & I'm not finna get suspended in my LAST year! Nuh uh. I'm too chicken to risk anything right now :)
And I have a strong feeling, there's going to be some genius to pull the fire alarm... To top THAT off, we got fresh new snow today. Why can't people pull the fire alarm in warm weather? It'd be much more intelligent!
But yeah, I'm in First Nations Art & I'm on my way to Math any minute now. I have a test! Yay! Wish me luck...
Take it easy, guys.
If you hear of any good April Fools pranks, or jokes, or anything, comment & let me know! :) I feel like having a good laugh today. Knaawmean?!
* Jennifer Marie *
"Change Me."
There's plenty of people who get into relationships and then break up. Duh. But normally the break up is because one person is either too controlling or trying to change how the other one is or acts. I would just like to know why...
Why would you waste your time? Why would you waste time getting into a relationship if you don't like how the person is? If you have an idea of changing your partner, or anything of that nature, why would you even mess with them? It makes NO sense!
If you aren't compatible in the beginning, and you don't want somebody uncompatible, why would you waste your time? Seriously?
Now, I do understand that sometimes people can seem amazing in the beginning, then change. Sometimes it takes time to see their true colors, sure, but I just don't understand. Another thing I don't understand is when people say they "fell out of love." How can that happen so quickly? There has to be a sign, or some sort of situation that happened to make it that way, right?
Partners shouldn't have to camouflage who they are to be within that relationship. I'm jus' sayin!
* Jennifer Marie *
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Let's talk about the party, shall we? Craigs 19th. I thought it would be one of the best parties I've ever been to... Wrong! I mean, I know my brother was going to have highlights, because he has fun no matter what - plus, the party was FOR him. But I just expected more than what I got. As usual. Hmphh.
But anyway, the party started off good. Then people started getting HAMMED. I tried having a good time & not think about the negativity, but shit happens! Everywhere I looked, there was some new shit going on. Arguing, fighting, collapsing, drugs, people getting together, barfing! Eww. But anyways, it was like I tried to enjoy myself, but I can't seem to do that unless everybodys okay. Which... FUCKS ME OVER.. Every time. I try helping or talking to people & blahhh. But people seemed to be having fun. That was a plus, of course.
I mean, over all, it was good. Everyone had fun (like I mentioned) and all in all, it was a memorable night. But I just mean, without the fighting, arguing & puking, lol, it would have been supercalifragilisticexpialadocious. Yep! I totally spelt that wrong, by the way. But I use to know how to spell it.
Screw this, hands are hurting. This blackberry seems heavy right now, even though its like 5g. Kay, now I'm not talking about anything.
Sooo yeah, check up for my next blog. Take care, douche bags. Paayce.
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dwayne Wade
- Dwayne Wade
Okay, sooo.. about a month ago, I was going to post a story about Dwayne Wade's Divorce and how it was getting ugly. Dwaynes wife said that he burned her. I automatically looked @ her sideways, because if he was burning and cheating, how come she was the only one who was feeling that "Burning-Itching Sensation?" She claimed that he cheated on her with so many women but no one else came up to say that he gave them anything.
Siohvaughn Wade said last month, the player infected her with an unspecified disease in 2007. Weeks later, she withdrew the claim from the court hearing the divorce case for unknown reasons...Why did she revoke the statement? Hmmm... A-ha!
He's also suing her lawyers as well, and wants $50,000 dollars from each of them. I think her lawyers should pay because why would you allow your client to make false accusations? Freeeaking idiot!
She shoulda' hired Shaevitz & Shaevitz or hit up The Cochran Firm! Damn..
I MUST say.. Dwayne Wade is lookin' pretty darn FIIINNNEE here! :) Don't cha think?
* Jennifer! <3
M.I.A's baby!
Don't say I didn't tell yuh! Cute one, ain't he?
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Aghh. Life sucks. Again.
I hate how when I'm depressed, it feels like the world is just crashing down on top of me and I always feel the need to do something stupid. The only upside to that is that I don't ever do it.. I hate how I'm not that strong anymore. Only a little bit - strong enough to still stand. I don't know what happened to me. I only know when, but I don't know why. I can't stand how I lose sleep just because there's so many thoughts on my mind and it's only bad thoughts when I lose sleep. With good thoughts.. I sleep like a baby!
But anyways, it's like I don't wanna be this person anymore. I miss the other side of me, the best side of me, the real side of me but she's fading, you know? I'm suprised I don't think, "Damn, do I need therapy?" "Do I need to see a damn shrink?" Naw! No use spendin' more money I worked hard for to tell my "problems" to somebody that doesn't know shit about me. I'm scared being this way is gonna push people away without me literally pushing them. Scared I'm gonna appear unattractive this way.
I don't wanna cry anymore. I don't wanna hurt anymore. It all has me screaming, "WHAT THE FUHHH?!" I thought I was over being like this.. It ain't everyday, but only when I get down & out. When I get down & out, I feel like a fucking mess, like the world is on pause for the wrong reasons.
Idk, I'm done bitching (for now).
I'm off to bed. Paayce.
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Musical Theatre & Aboriginal Day
Also, for my Learning Center block, I'm suppose to be organizing Aboriginal Day. Yeaaahh, that's not going anywhere. I need to know what kind of funding I have before I try & plan anybody or anything. June is just in 4 months, we gotta get a kick off. I offered to help, not to do it mySELF. I was told I'd have all this help, but nope. Its (also) killing me. I'm stressing about it because its not getting done. Its suppose to be in replacement of "MESS Stock" but I'm thinking it won't follow through. And if it does? Well... I mean, one or two things will happen. One, we DO follow through & nobody likes it anyways. Two? Everybody skips. Honestly, that's what will happen. Its Aboriginal Day... Is that not enough said?
Don't get me wrong. I'm getting older & I wanna learn more about Cultral Activities & Traditions, but not many other people do... Most of the Natives I talked to - THEY said they would skip Aboriginal Day. The way we're raised? We don't really rely on Culture, which sucks. I wish I knew everything about our ways, but I don't. Anyways, I was jus' sayin... If Natives don't attend their own day, what makes you think non-Natives will?
That's what I thought. Enough said.
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Monday, February 23, 2009
Math & "Love."
Hmm, you know what I wonder? I wonder what I'll be doing in 10 years. I really, really wonder. Lol. I mean, I can do what I wanna do, but who's to stay I'll end up on that track? I'm not saying I'm gonna end up NOT doing what I want, but I mean, peoples options change so much & people get so caught up in everything. It's ridiculous! Wait, no, it's actually... Hmm, it can be kinda good. I've said it once, I'll say it again: "Change is good." Uh, I mean great. Yep! It really is. Some change because people let something change them... I'd say love is definately one of the major things that changes a person. And that? Is usually NOT for the better, because it's like, they... blah, whatever. I don't feel like blogging about that. Just, honestly, don't let love change you. Especially in high school. In the end? Love can fuck you over. Always keep your family by your side, because at the end of time, that's what & that's who you've still got. No matter what. Think about it...
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Meee :)
Blunt? I may be.
Do I care? Not really.
Your feelings, mean nothing.
Your life, means just the same.
Akim means everything.
I'm rude, arrogant & stubborn. Deal with it.
I also act cocky. To make fun of you idiots.
I'm in grade 12. I have a job. I have teeth. I drink water. I'm going to New York & the Caribbean after grad. Meh, what else? Blabber, blabber, blabber...
I'm bored. So what?
I'll add more later.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I lied! Chris & Rihanna (final) ...
"I know what you mean. I hope any fan of CB sees that and completely denounces their admiration for what he does as a musician." I don't know who the person is who left this comment, but I do know that I just saw it on someone elses Myspace page. Not that it's my business how she feels or whatever, but I do feel that the above statement is wrong. Why would a fan denounce their admiration for him as a musician just because of something he did during his personal life? It's not any of our business, yet I find myself blogging about it because I feel lilke people are taking too much of this shit to the head! Seriously!
His personal life and music, are very seperate. Tell me, do you listen to your favorite artist because of who they date, what their mother looks like, or how many siblings they have? Umm, I'm assuming not. So why would you STOP being a fan of his music because of some mistake he made, as a human being, within his relationship. His PERSONAL relationship. Now, I do understand that he is a celebrity and the media is going to promote the shit out of whatever goes wrong, but you have got to understand that his music and relationship are two different things.I won't say much more about it because I feel like people should already know how I feel. I don't feel negative towards Chris Brown because he isn't my father, brother, or friend for that matter. I'm not going to put any of this against him as a music artist, and that's just how I feel. I'm sorry that some people can't learn to accept what has happened is a mistake. Everybody makes them!
With that being said, I still support Chris Brown in everything he does. I've signed TWO petitions that were trying to keep his music on the radio stations stream. I am happy to say that I still hear his music on my local radio statio, I still play his music on my iPOD, stereo, and computer. None of that will ever change. End of story.
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Chris & Rhianna (again) ...
Yesterday, a lot of people were hitting me up asking about the whole situation. They were asking me how I felt about it, what do I think should happen, ect, ect. Really, it's not my business. I don't know Chris Brown or Rihanna on a personal level. Clearly. Many people are saying that they are going to change how they think of him because of this. Now, I can see why that would change your mind. I know I wouldn't want my boyfriend, or my friends' boyfriend hitting her, and I would be all for the change of thoughts against that person, if that was the case. Since I don't know Chris on a personal level, so MY opinion of him... hasn't changed. I'm still going to think he's one of my favourite & download all the tracks he does. I'm still going to have posters of him on my wall, and I'm still going to support him, FULLY.
I do however think that it is not okay to hit a woman. I'm glad that he turned himself in, I'm glad that he actually took responsibility for what he's done. He lost some endorsements of his and couldn't perform at the Grammys, which both are going to put a slack on his career...
I do think that people should fall back from the situation. I think that people get too much fun out of other peoples' business. Why do you honestly care? This story has been buzzing the net since it got out. Now tell me why there's not a story buzzing around about how Beyonce didn't really write "If I Were A Boy", and how Lil Wayne has threatened his crowds more than THREE times, or how Brandy was in a year-long trial for motor vehicular homicide, but DIDNT get charged. Why are all these other people doing things, but yet everyone is so focused on one person? Isn't it just because he has a clean image as an R&B singer? Why do people get so intrigued over drama? Why can't people be more happy to talk/gossip about the good things that actually happen?
ALSO! I don't even like Jay-Z, but I caught wind of this incident him... In a recent interview, Jay-Z said "Chris is a walking dead man." and that he's very overprotective of Rihanna. "Chris messed with the wrong crew and should be watching out for more than than the LAPD."
Well, last time I knew, Jay-Z actually SLAPPED a chick from trying to take a picture of him. So, I guess even the "best" do wrong. I just don't understand how he can be so pissed off about something that he can relate to! How can you slap a female who didn't even lay a hand on you, but threaten someone else when you, let alone anybody for that matter, doesn't even know the real story.
This is just my take on things. If you don't agree, then don't read my shit. Plain and simple. I'm finna do another post. Paayce!
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Friday, February 20, 2009
Kim says...
Todays topic: WHORES*
I'm not going to use any names, but really, y'all know who you are! And if you don't? Okay, you can come see me for your "Dumbass/Clueless" Certificate. I don't see how chicks give shit out so easy & act like its nothing. Like seriously, are you kidding me?! My friend Massaoudou once said, "God created women so special, but women themselves have destroyed that speciality." I finally realize what he's saying. So many girls give shit away with NO problem @ it. Its disturbing, it really is. You have one life to live & you're gonna use it up by ruining your reputation & possibly, most likely catching something? Hey, be my guest. But I ain't finna be one to do that! Anyone who knows me, knows that. Its not even just "whores," but mostly! Hold up, hold up.
Changes topic to: GIRLS
Everyone knows I can't stand most girls. If you didn't? Wow, I'm suprised you can say you know me. The girls I DO hang out with? They're somethin' special. You know... They don't use me to talk to the guys, they don't ignore me when I look like shit, they don't come to me for the wrong reasons, basically. The girls that talk to me just to talk to my boys? DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DOIN'?! Maan, girls always be doin' that. Its like, guys are waaay different from us. One? They can go a week without gossiping, we can't even go an hour. Two? They don't talk to you because of how you look. Three? They're SO mich more chill. Its like honestly, if you wanna talk to a dude (especially if its a guy you've known forever), why the fuck not just talk to him yourself?! What's the worst that's gonna happen? Uh, exactly.
On another note about girls. And I've noticed this one mostly with Rez Girls. I'm not sayin' other races don't do this, but I'm really feelin' it from the Natives. When they think they're bigger than you & look down on you. They think they can intimidate you & they're gonna "beat the shit outta you" if you talk shit. They say to watch your back & don't do anything wrong or they're gonna get it. Stupid shit like that. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I mean, save that shit for a movie called "Mean Girls 2." That's some lame-ass, immature shit! Think you're so good & whatever. Why you gotta pull the mean bitch role? Can't you jus' .. Well, not "be nice," but maybe put in a little effort to drop the act? A little bit? Yeah, that'd be great, thanks.
Ughh, there's so much I can write about girls on here, lol. Its never ending with us! No wonder the Gay population is getting higher! Did you know that? Statistics prove that the Gay count is going up & the Lez count is going down. That only means one thing - the women are the hardest gender to love! Haha. Some of us can't help the act we put on sometimes, I mean the media, the press, our friends, the high school? Its all a living label to live up to. Even if you wanna change & start slowing down on the gossiping & back stabbing, it'll be a little rough. But I don't see why we can't jus' calm down from it all?! Its a living label (like I said), and a constant battle. Fucked up, foREAL. I've been trying to make myself a better person & I feel that its working. I really do. But I can't help but get caught up in the moment sometimes. We all can't.
But aye, that's enough writing for me right now. Who knows when I'll post again? Check back & see. LEAVE COMMENTS!! Paayce!
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Chris Brown shit...
Personally? I'm not for the whole beat-your-girlfriend-up type thing. But I mean, so many other guys do it & nobody does shit about it! Also? When Michael Jackson touched those little boys, his music didn't stop playing on the radio. Uh huh, "BOYS," plural! MORE THAN ONE.
But anyways, here's a petition to get his music back on the radios. One of his celebrity friends started it. A writer or whatever. Look, even if you ain't a fan, sign! Please? I ain't a huge fan & I think he's unattractive, but some of his shit is seriously GOOD! It ain't fair for him to be punished like this. If you're totally against what he did? I'm suprised you're still reading. Its a real site, its no god damn spam. So sign it, already!!
Thanks, everyone! Paayce.
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Sunday, February 15, 2009
You know what else happened on the 11th? It was Akims birthday! <3 He turned 18 (finally), lol. He's 6 months older than me & he DOESN'T LET ME FORGET IT! Lol. I can't wait to be 18! :)
Alsssoo.. At school on the 11th, I had my Grad Photos taken. My first set was gross, lol. I didn't like ONE picture, so she took another set - which I liked 2 or 3, so that was awesome that she let me re-take some!
Yesterday? I got the flu. Yep. Right after I got home from work. I started shivering @ 4 & tried sleeping, but layed there for 3 hours, scared & shaking. I started to sweat. Then I went to the bathroom to wipe the sweat off my face & my Dad asked if I was feeling sick. I felt like I lost my voice, I couldn't respond! I went in my room & I started crying like a little bitch. My Mom came in & heard me crying. She asked what was wrong & I told her I've been shivering for hours. So before Dad, Craig & Uncle Wayne went to the Demons game, my Dad stopped off @ Shoppers for some meds for me! My sides started to hurt, I could barely stand, when I cough, I'd lose my breath, my throat was hurting, I was sweating like CRAZY, my head was hurting & I couldn't even get up from my bed by myself. It was horrible... I didn't stop shivering until like 11pm, until I finally fell asleep, but I woke up @ 4, sweating & shivering. It sucked. Hard.
But anyways..
I did a lot of thinking today & I've always did what people told me to do, what would make them happy & what they say is best. Its about time I do something for MY happiness. Something that my hearts telling me to do & I know I want this. In July, its ON. I'm leaving this village to live & I'm gonna have fun doing it. I'm gonna be safe & I WILL be back. I'm not gonna say exactly what I'm talking about, although I'm sure some of you know.. I trust that my parents raised me right & Dolores taught me to follow my gut. It never lies to you. & my gut feeling is telling me that everything will be fine. Like I said, I WILL be back & I WILL get my education - I'm just taking time off. I know lots of students say that & never get to it - but if they start right away, they usually don't like it & drop out for even longer. People seem to be against what I wanna do. "What if this happens?" "What if you don't feel the way you thought you would?" "What if you get hurt?" Well, WHAT IF EVERYTHING TURNS OUT LIKE IM PLANNING?! Did you ever think about that? Like, really, I can't 100% promise that I'll be okay & that shit will turn out, but in my heart, I think so. If it doesn't turn out? It was my fault & that's when you can say, "I told you so." But I'm just so over people doubting me & wanting me to do what THEY want. Life is short. Live that shit!
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Out of no where I was like, "I wanna egg a chicken!" Then my mom was like, "What?" "I wanna.. egg.. a chicken." We all started laughing & I was like, "Oh shit, wait, can you EGG a chicken? Like plop out the eggs?" Me, my dad, my mom & Raven started laughing sooo hard! Like, I'm talkin', tears in the eyes, cramps in the belly, laughing! SO HARDCORE! Raven thought "Why the hell would you wanna egg a chicken?" She thought I meant throwing eggs at one, lol. But I meant like, pushing in the chickens belly until eggs plop out of it, LMAO. And after we all laugh for like 2 minutes... my dad was like, "Chickens don't lay eggs... Hens do." And OH, my god, I think my life just changed, lol. I totally forgot all that stuff! I guess it's not funny if you weren't here though. You just had to hear how everything was said. Made so much more sense, lol. Because I didn't exactly write everything that went down, but whaaatever!
I was going to put down one of my thoughts, but then it would lead to another 1,000 lines & I'm about to head up to Ravens, soooo.. I don't think so. But yeah, I might post some tomorrow. Maybe, maybe not. We'll just have to see, huh? I know this blog was boring. My bad. I'll bring it up a little... Have a goodnight, everybody. Paayce.
"Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Just knowing you found me."
* Jennifer! <3
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
February 2nd was the day...
Regardless, that's my baby, that's my love, that's my husband. Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna make a video of me singing to him as an anniversary gift. Kidding! I wanna do something though. Something worth doing & something he'll like. But idk what? I want all I do for him to be just.. perfect
Ahhhh damn you, tears! lol. Maan, I don't care if people call me a "sap" or "lame" for being so emotional but I don't think anybody will ever understand how much I really, TRUELY love this guy. Ever since I got with him, I LOVE LIFE. I see the good in it, cause I used to hate it. Before him, I didn't care if I died the next day. That's how bad it was. I'm tellin' you, he's my everything. I wouldn't dare mess up what we have. I put my all into this relationship. I don't recall me ever looking at the phone and not picking up when he calls, I ALWAYS pick up, whether I'm mad at him or not (unless I fall asleep with my ringer off or I'm in class!) Damn school. I cherish every second we speak. Ooh, what I wouldn't give to be next to him right now.. Sometimes I hate long distance, lol. But there ain't no way in hell I'm giving up on him. He's my everything. I just wish I could make him REALIZE that! Or make somebody.. anybody realize it.
I knoooow, I know, I'm only 17; what do I know about love? Well, I only know what it is because of Akim. And not to mention? I'm in love emotionally.. Not physically like all you other teenaged chumps. But back to my point - I only know what love is because of him. He made my life good again (like I mentioned), he re-assures me about things, reminds me he loves me @ the most random times, calls me to see how I am & say "I love you," leaves voicemails saying it if I don't pick up (because ringers off or I'm in school) and just.. Maan, I can't even explain it. Its all flattering! To know that somebody as amazing as him is in love with ME? Its breath taking, it really is. I'm head over heels, I'm sprung, I'm hooked. Call it what you want it. I'm not giving up for nothin'. We got this. I love you, baby.
Another thing I REALLY don't like? And this isn't just in school.. But when people ignore you. Then you hang out with somebody more up there, more, let's say "popular." Then they decide they wanna talk & act like a friend? I don't THINK so! Fakes. Fakes. Fakes. Sooo dumb *rolls eyes*
Today though, my days going pretty alright. There were Auditions in my Musical Theatre Class, in which, I'm the Stage Manager, so I didn't have to audition. Clearly. So whoever wasn't auditioning (because they did it privately), were watching a movie. First Nations Art? Maaan, that class is FUN! I'm the jokester in that class :) Talkin' to everybody. Everyone knows each other, so that makes it a LOT more chill. I'm on my lunch break right now, but I have to remember to rush to Math! Wherever we sit today, is where we sit for the rest of the year. I NEED a good spot! After that, I have my spare; planning & organizing for "Aboriginal Day." Hardcore!
But I'ma goooo now.. Don't wanna be late for Math like I said! I might post more later. Maybe, maybe not. Paayce*
Monday, February 2, 2009
Long Distance Relationships
Aaaaaaaaaanywho! January went by SO fast, didn't it? Or is it just me? Like, seriously, it feels like New Years was 2 weekends ago. But yes, January, what did I accomplish there? Let's take a look...
* Suffer an anxiety attack? Check
* Be thrown in the middle of a family fued? Check
* Lose somebody? Out of my life for good. (For various reasons) Cha-cha-CHECK!
* Completed #1, Grad Transition, but have the teacher LOSE IT & tell me, re-due it? Check
* Publically embarass myself horribly by either falling or walking in to numerous things? CHECK & check again!
* Ran out of Chocolate from Christmas time! *tear* *sniff* Check
* Went for a drive with a friend to an abandoned house, entered it, then almost got left behind in the middle of nowhere? CHECK!
* Tight-rope a nervous break-down? Double check
* Lose all sense of Sanity? Check-aroo
* Last, but not least.. Find things that were missing since August 2008? Check, check, check!
Now, I don't know about you, but that seems like a pretty fiiinnnee list to me! I gotta make those more often, lol. But anyways, I have a huge-ass headache that's REALLY killing me :( I'm off to bed.
G'night, everybody! Post tomorrow.
Today was also my firsy day back to school - since last Monday, when I had my exam. Which, I think really well by the way. I hope I'm right! I love my classes. Kyle & Kolynn are in my Math. Adelia, Kyle, Kolynn, Kristy, Marissa & Duane are in my Art. I have a great teacher for LTI - Ms. Toews! Who, by the way, is from the Caribbean! :) And in the Musical Theatre Class, EVERYBODYS in it! I'm just the Stage Manager :P But I can't wait to get started!!
I don't even know what else to say right now - but todays been just a really great day :) I'm glad nobody pissd me off, lol. I'll post again soon.. Luv you guys! Paayce.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl & otherrr..
UFC is where its at! Haha. Georges St. Pierre fought BJ Penn yesterday (Saturday, January 31st). GSP took it! Obviously. We all saw that one coming. He was named "Best Athlete" in CANADA this year! "Best Athletes" don't lose against guys like BJ Penn... Okay, Penn is a good fighter. But nothing compared to GSP!
In other news.. Its a year for me & Akim tomorrow! :D I can't believe its a year with him already. I know there are many more to come... You can quote me on that. I love him with all my heart & he loves me just the same. I know that. No question.
Hmmm.. What else? Oh! I'll be taking part in the Vancouver Sun-Run this year :) Event starts on April 5th, 2009. I can't wait, actually! Not much else to say about that...
I got 2 new pillows today! This was my first Sunday off since like October (but its ok, because I love work), hmmmm.. MY BROTHER MOVED BACK HOME! Ravens coming home soon! This is all worth mentioning.
But whaaatever! I'm finna hit the hay now & I'll post again tomorrow. Only a couple hours 'til mine & Akims anniversaryyy! :) Goodnight, everybody! Paayce.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Right now I'm at a stand still. I mean, I do things out of schedule because I'm use to it! But what I've come to realize is you have to go hard.. Live your life & take chances. Change is good? Actually, its great! How will you know what you like and what you don't if you only stick to one thing? That goes for everything you do! In a way, I've been taught to go and get what you want because its YOUR life. Well you know what? I sat back, watched and waited for too long.. Watching and waiting wont get you anywhere. You gotta go out and grab that shit! They say "Life is short." Damn straight - life is waaay too short; even though its the longest thing WE'VE got. But I'm sayin'.. People always say, "OMG, time went by so fast." Exactly! So in that "short" amount of time.. Do what you love. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Tell them to mind there own business & do them. I'ma do me & you do you.
Alot of people won't admit this, but I can definitely say I'M SCARED! As each day goes by.. I'm learning to let go! One thing I DO know, is that my heart is in Toronto! :) FA REAL* <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">
At the end of all this, I can say that I'm comfortable in my own skin. I'd like to think of myself as an INDIVIDUAL! I don't follow. Well, I try not too. But sometimes you get so god damn caught up... But I try to take the lead.. and if nobody is with me, I'll hold myself down. What I want to take from these experiences I'm going through, is remaining true to myself. Loving & living for MYself. I just want to make ME happy - take care of MY family & (true) friends. I wanna SMILE and be STRESS FREE! Is that too much to ask? Because I'll stop @ nothing :)
Take it easy, everybody...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I'm just chillen @ home right now and I'm on the computer... but I think I'm going to get off. I might add more when I'm on my blackberry. Depends how I feel and if I'm doing anything else. Stay real, guys. Paayce!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Oh, HELL naw.
But anyways - first off? I'm done with this bitch. Boots are off, and I'm kicken' her to tha curb, fa REAL! Don't you think friendship should be 50/50? Shit, I could be on my death bed and this bitch wouldn't leave this dude for a min to come say peace. Whatever. Your ass is done; to me, anyways. And to a LOT others, I'm sure. People are so blinded by love. I wonder if they actually took a couple steps back and not be so hard-headed all the time, maybe they'd SEE the realization of it all. ITS NOT LOVE, ITS SEX. You don't know how people see you, do you? Shiiittt..
But anyways! I'm fine, thank you! :) I have a Provincial Exam innnnn.. 10 and a half hours. Shitty for me? Yep, exactly what I was thinkin'. I didn't study for a second : Maybe a blog in a couple weeks will be about me failing andsaying I should have studied. Naw, I'm Jennifer Bolton, bitches! I don't fail! *looks left & right* At least I try not to..
Hmm. When I think of more things to bitch about, I'll update. I PROMISE to write in here tomorrow! It will probably open up with me talking about how hardcore the exam was and how horrible I did. Or if something happens that pisses me off, that'll slip into slot #1. How lovely. *knocks on wood* But aye, its bed time for me! Don't be dumb! Paayce